Discovering the Bonzo Art Standards!
Discover the four standards below that this art class upholds as essential dynamics of discovering the importance of studying art. These standards are beyond the State of Georgia, they are the personal standards of Daniel Bonnell, Art Instructor of Islands High School. Your assignment is to read each standard, memorize it, view the videos, and podcast. Complete the assessment at the end of the lesson.
The Bonzo Art Standards reflect the essence of the reward for discovering through learning. The standards embrace beauty through mystery, creativity through risk, discovery through play, an life equals choices and art equals creative choices. The result of these pedagogical building blocks establish the overarching principal that you remember what you feel. When the five senses are applied to learning through discovery then both sides of the brain are working together to retain information due to controlling the speed of the brain allowing retention to take place.
Beauty through Mystery-
All left brain subjects such as math and science provide doorways unto themselves revealing their never ending discovery. It is within this realm of mystery that we find beauty itself.
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
— Albert Einstein
Creativity Through Risk-
Rewards largely come from risk. Wether we are first learning how to walk or we are playing the stock market. Everyone is wired together in a unique creative manner. Everyone therefore has a the creative gene or creative fingerprint. Mistakes become our greatest teachers if we are not afraid to take risks.
Inherent Risks Presents Danger
Perceived Risks is Free of Danger
A well known lecturer on creativity, Amy Climer, explains the two kinds of risk in the podcast below. Those two kinds of risk are INHERENT RISKS and PERCEIVED RISKS. It is important to know the difference and to have a correct perspective of art being a perceived risk.
Bonzo Standard Three:
Discovery through Play-
When information is first presented to the right side of the brain, the intuitive and emotional realm, then the joy of discovery takes place as it is not sabotaged by the left side of the brain first.
View this Ted talk about discovery through play by John Cohn.
Bonzo Standard Four:
Life = Choices Art = Creative Choices
Art is not just about drawing/painting etc. Art is all about attitudes and perspectives. We study other artists to discover their perspectives on life. We make choices every hour of our life. We have the option to make safe choices, risky choices and creative choices. The creative choices are always the best choice because they get us to move forward and take healthy risks that embellish out lives.
These standards are a combination of the rigor standards presented by Robert Morazano and Daniel Bonnell. Robert Morazano’s standards can be found at