Advanced Art Vocabulary for Students

  1. Chiaroscuro: The use of strong contrasts between light and dark to create a sense of volume in modeling three-dimensional objects.

  2. Pointillism: A technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image.

  3. Surrealism: An artistic movement that seeks to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind.

  4. Avant-garde: Experimental, innovative, or unconventional ideas in art.

  5. Cubism: An art movement that emphasizes geometric shapes and multiple perspectives.

  6. Oeuvre: The complete works of an artist, writer, or composer.

  7. Installation Art: Artwork created by assembling and arranging objects in a specific location.

  8. Mosaic: Artwork made by arranging small colored pieces of glass, stone, or other materials.

  9. Iconography: The study of visual images and symbols used in art.

  10. Gestalt: An organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.