Critique Assignment: Using the vocabulary below, see how many words you can work into a critique of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh entitled Shoes 1988. Take all the time you need to embed these words into your memory. Use at least half the words to describe this work of art.
Shoes by Vincent Van Gogh 1888
aesthetics = ones own personal definition of beauty that holds a value system or reasoning.
ambiguity = revealing the beauty of opposites within a subject matter or work of art.
symmetry = a term to reveal a mirror image of a subject or perfect balance.
alchemy = Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold.
allegory = The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.
allude = To refer incidentally, or by suggestion.
alteration = Change or modification.
Achillean = Invulnerable.
Complete the crossword puzzle below!