achromatic = Colorless

acquiescence = Passive consent.

acquisition = Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor.

acute = Having fine and penetrating discernment.

addendum = Something added, or to be added.

adjacent = That which is near or bordering upon.

adjunct = Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.

aberration = a state or condition markedly different from the norm, an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image example: As I gazed at the painting I was reminded of an aberration that appeared like a haunting image within my subconscious.

capitulate = to surrender outright or to give in under certain terms. Either way, you’re agreeing to something you don’t really want. example: After arguing with his parents Jimmy capitulated to going shopping.

cognizant = mentally perceptive and responsive;”an alert mind”, aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed example: I was cognizant that my zeal overstepped my presentation due to my beliefs being so important.

scale = the size or visual weight of an object as compared to another object. usage: The scale of the Lincoln Monument is 55 times larger than the average height of a man.

texture =  the visual surface of an object that shows the skin or outer dimension as appealing to the sense of touch. usage: The texture of the drawing of the tree showed the detail of the bark in a very real manner.

vanishing point = a single point on the horizon of an image that all lines lead to. usage: the railroad tracks all lead to one distant point.

analogous = similar or comparable to something else ex: An airplane’s joystick is somewhat analogous to the reins on a horse. The emotional impact of a painting by Jackson Pollock is analogous to watching fireworks on the fourth of July.

symmetry = balanced proportions ex: The human face holds symmetry on each side.

asymmetry = the lack or absence of symmetry ex: As Mercury orbits the Sun, it experiences a small torque due to its slight asymmetry in the plane of its orbit.

vector = a form of visual art that is flat and non-transparent in color.

relief = a piece of sculpture that rises up out of a 2 deminsional flat plane such a the image of Lincoln on a penny.

asymmetrical = visual balance where one side of a work of art is balanced out with its opposite side in volume.

subconsciousness = the brain that is deep in thought without thinking, such as being in the state of sleep.

analogous = simuilar to something else.